This cookies has been my kids favourite for the past 2 years. My little son Brian always asks me "almost everyday"- "Mom, where is your famous cookies?". When we visited India my boys happened to eat "Good day" biscuits which is a rich biscuit with cashews in it. My boys started telling me" Mom, someone is baking biscuits and selling it with your recipe"- you know their world is so small.

Surely, every time I eat this cookie it reminds me of  "good day" biscuits and what my kids commented about them. I have tried to be little bit conscious about the calories by adding brown sugar and oil instead of butter.


All purpose flour- 2 and a half cups

Brown sugar- 1/2 cup

Unsalted cashews and almonds- 1/2 cup(coarsely chopped)

Grated coconut- 1/4 cup

Cooking oil- 1/4 cup

Yogurt- 1/2 cup

Baking powder- 2 tspns

Baking soda- 1 tspn


Pre- heat the oven at 180 degrees.

Place the flour in a wide bowl. Add the baking powder, baking soda and sugar and mix the ingredients uniformly. You can also substitute powdered white sugar for brown sugar.

Add the yogurt followed by grated coconut, chopped nuts. Add the oil and mix all the ingredients uniformly to prepare the dough.

Refrigerate the dough for l hour.(not in the freezer)

Dust the working surface with flour. Place the dough and roll it to half an  inch thickness. With the cookie cutter of your choice cut out the dough and place on the greased baking tray. 

You can also be creative to make this cookies more interesting for your kids by using fun filled cookie cutters. Please follow the step by step instructions in the above picture starting from the far right end corner finishing at the pic on the left down corner.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 180 degrees until crisp brown.


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