Julienne ginger and garlic- 2 tbspns
Red bullets/ cayenne pepper- 1 tbspn
Chopped onion- 2
Soya chunks- 2 cups
Red wine vinegar/ white vinegar- 1/4 cup
Oyster sauce- 1 tbspn(optional)
Dark soy sauce- 1 tbspn
Sesame seeds- 1 tspn
Corn flour- 1 tbspn
Brown sugar/ Jaggery- 1 tspn
Salt to taste
Water- 1/4 cup
Oil- 1 tbspn (preferably sesame oil)
Chives/spring onions- 1 tbspn (finely chopped)

Heat the pan and add the oil. Add the ginger, garlic followed by onions.
When they turn partially brown add the soya chunks.
(Soak the soya chunks in warm water for 10 minutes and when you are about to cook squeeze all the water and cook for better results)
Cook the soya chunks with salt and water for 15 minutes under low fire.
Mix the vinegar, sauces and corn flour in a bowl uniformly to prepare a smooth paste.
Add the paste to the soya chunks. Keep stirring to mix the paste uniformly to soya chunks. Add the brown sugar and mix again. Brown sugar give a good brown colour to the dish.
Sprinkle the sesame seeds and serve with carbohydrates of your choice
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